Sunday 20 March 2011


Quite a mouthful this word and a bit hard for me to pronounce correctly...

Onomatopoeia  An onomatopoeia is a type of word that sounds like the thing it is describing.

My first initial attempt was to make a book for children, here is the rough version.

Visual Examples

Pretty straightforward, "does what it says on the tin.."

I guess I pretty much know what I am doing for this word and want to stick to a book as I need some publishing work in my portfolio.  
I need however to find a way to make it interesting and fun as it will target young children.

Children books

My favourites

Thursday 17 March 2011

The Word as Image

Currently working on the A to Z project; I came across this (totally by chance I might add... ).

Close up of the picture above.
American - Carl Fernbach-Flarsheim "Mirror Field inside Random Field"
German - Ferdinand Kriwet "Poster"
 Russian - Valerian Neretchnikov "Tree from random letters"


Visual Examples

Quite sweet, might have been worth see what it would like on transparent paper.

Close up of the picture below, hard to believe the woman is made of a multitude of strips of words pasted altogether. The result is truly amazing.  Here is more example of her work.

The body shaped text really "comes out alive" - for lack of finding a better descriptive expression!  However, I personally feel that the image of the woman sorts of spoils it... maybe it should have been another body shaped text or an illustration?

Nice to have the text follow the steam’s path.  The effect would have been greater if the illustration had been made of text.

I have come across some further examples in this book.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The chosen ones...

As a result of my personal interests and taste within graphic design, I have decided to develop the following:

I wanted to portray bodycopy in a format other than in a publication.

I am not quite satisfied with the outcome.
The box doesn't really have any "purpose", the inside has the definition of "bodycopy" but it seems a bit boring.
Everything is flat looking lifeless.